A mind of a procrastinator

I will admit. This was my own doing.

I had an assignment due for my Martking Class due today at 11:59 pm. I just finished it right now at 11:47 pm.

We've all been there.

Now I'm writing this. Consistency.

I had plenty of time during the last few days to finish it.

I waited till the last minute. I like doing the “low-hanging fruit” items before doing the more time-consuming items.

My excuse this time. Adam Grant.

Our professor had us watch this TED Talk called, “The surprising habits of original thinkers”, given by, you guessed it, Adam Grant.

Adam Grant is a popular author and organizational psychologist. I've been following his work for some time now because of my fascination with how organizations run and how to keep the peace.

Somehow I never came across this TED Talk before. Some fan I am.

In his talk, he mentions one of the aspects that differentiate original thinkers from others. And surprising to me it was procrastination.

A mind of a procrastinator

He provided this graph to depict the relationship between creativity and procrastination. I don’t think I’m there yet at the “originals” level. Probably a little further down. But thought it was interesting. Wanted to share this us all fellow procrastinators.

Published: Jun 22, 2023
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