Babies and old people

There's this interesting dichotomy between babies and old people.

Babies are beginning their life, whereas elderly folks are nearing the end. There is this naiveness and awe when you look into a baby's eyes, and with old people, their eyes can tell you how life treated them. Their perspectives are vastly different on so many levels.

Even though there are many differences, in the last few years, as I've started to get older, I've realized there are many similarities as well. I watched this movie way back called “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, where Brad Pitt played a man who ages in reverse. I haven't watched it in a while, but I remember it made me rethink the relationship between these two distinct parts of the human experience.

As we get older, we re-establish tendencies that we had as children. We start to depend on others for our needs because we might no longer be able to do it ourselves. We might lose our teeth, similar to when we were babies when we had no teeth. After retiring our routines might become, eating, sleeping, and pooping, similar to a baby's routine.

Do you see the point that I'm trying to get across?

I don't think this is a bad thing, more so just a human thing, if we live long enough to hopefully experience it. I think it's just adorable when an old person smiles at you, or being active or eating ice cream. I only have one grandparent left, my grandma from my mom's side. And I see the struggle she goes through on a daily basis with her health. That's why I try to cherish every moment and be present whenever I spend time with her.

Brunch with Bebe

A photo of me and my grandma eating lunch at a restaurant. Should've probably let her finish chewing before asking her for a selfie.

Bebe and babies

Here's a photo of my grandma holding my little cousins. Thought it'd be perfect for this article.

Published: May 29, 2023
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