Don't lose hope

My mom couldn't believe it. There it was in the trash. A plant my aunt threw away in the dumpster. My mom has a bad habit of picking things out of the trash that she doesn't believe belong there. For instance, any item me or my sister through in the trash that could've been recycled, my mom takes out and reminds us that we should recycle more. She asks us “Don't you care about the planet? If you do you got to recycle.”.

Anyways, there my mom was in disbelief. She took the plant out of the trash. And took it home with her. She didn't know whether it'd survived but she tried her best. It was an orchid. A few days ago the flowers from it started to bloom.

My mom was elated and couldn't wait to share with us the good news. She was proud of her green finger. Made me happy to see my mom so happy. But yesterday when she was watering the preciously thought dead orchid, the steam with the flowers fell off. You can see it below.


My mom was disappointed. And the same time it happened she had to share it with one of us. She was clearly sad. In this sadness, she found the strength to see if she can do anything to save this plant for a second time. If she could do it once, why not again. She ended up putting the flower in a glass of water. And so far it has been thriving. The moral of the story is don't lose hope. If there is a will there is a way.

Published: Jun 10, 2023
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