Get better at asking questions

For the longest time, I was scared.

Scared of making a fool of myself.

Scared that I might say the wrong thing.

Scared that others will judge me.

But in reality, no one cares. Everyone is too busy thinking about themselves and how they will be perceived.

Once I realized this, I started to raise my hand more. But only when I had something to say. There is this great quote by Lao Tsu that goes, “Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”

This can imply that people who confidently express their opinions may not truly have a deep understanding of the topic. They may be more focused on asserting their ideas, rather than genuinely comprehending the essence of what they are trying to say.

Get better at asking more intentional questions, rather than half-hearted questions.

Published: Jun 15, 2023
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