Lost my phone

Okay, you may be thinking, how did you lose your phone?

And to that I respond, well if I only knew then I wouldn't be in this position.

99% of the time I take really good care of my things. But today that 1% has been at play.

I can't take my mind off finding it. The first few hours I was fine. Figuring that I'll find it sooner or later but it hasn't shown up yet. And now it's starting to annoy me.

I retraced my steps, looked in my car, checked my pocket, and searched my room but nothing. At least not yet. Calling it hasn't worked because it's on silent. The Find My Phone app is showing that it is at home somewhere. That's why I'm not too concerned. It'll probably show up eventually.

The phone has become an extension of a person. What people spend the most time on. And addiction of sorts. Going without for just a few hours can feel jarring. I've seen relatives become distraught over losing their phone.

Which I understand. For one, some phones cost a lot of money. Imagine losing something you spent hours saving for. Not a great feeling. Second, the potential of losing memories captured on a phone camera there were not backed up. Third, losing access to all your phone contacts and having to go through the process of retrieving it all again. And many other situations that would cause panic and franticness.

But this is because we have become accustomed to it. I remember the days before all this tech blew up. We spent our free time watching antenna television, going to the park, or coloring.

Nowadays everyone is tied to their computers, including me. Maybe losing my phone for a few hours isn't such a bad thing. At least I have a laptop.

Published: Jun 17, 2023
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