Midnight leftovers

The last few weeks I’ve been building a habit of sleeping late.

I’ve been sleeping around 1-2 am. It’s not that I have an issue with sleeping, fortunately. More so, I get consumed with the work I didn’t get accomplished during the day and have to settle with doing it at night. Also, the silence that midnight offers is incomparable to other hours of the day.

Last night, I decided to get something to eat. Looked inside the fridge to discover some leftovers made earlier in the day. Rice with chicken is my go-to meal if available. It got me thinking, “What is it about eating so late that hits differently?”. Feels mystical in a way. The fact that everyone else is sleeping. You have to be careful to not make too much noise so no one wakes up. That the food tastes better than you remembered it earlier in the day. You take the time to chew and eat slower. You decide that you also want something sweet so you scavenge the fridge for some ice cream. But settle with fruit instead. The satisfaction your stomach feels from supplying it with love and tenderness. The voice in your head is louder than usual and you start to have inner dialogues with yourself. I hope this is relatable, I swear I’m not weird.

Although I consider myself a morning person, lately it’s been interesting being a night person. My creativity and focus have definitely increased. I’m more productive ironically I realized. Someone shared with me the graph below a while ago. The daily routines of famous creative people. And whenever my schedule gets messed up, like it has been the last few weeks, I always think back to this. Maybe changing my schedule isn’t a bad idea to see what is most optimal. Food for thought. Pun intended.

Midnight leftovers
Published: May 27, 2023
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