Typescript: When to use .ts vs .tsx

TypeScript (TS) and TypeScript React (TSX) are two popular programming languages that have gained significant traction among developers. Both are extensions of JavaScript and provide additional features for static typing, making it easier to build robust and scalable applications. In this article, we will explore the key differences between TS and TSX, their areas of application, and why developers might choose one over the other.

TypeScript (TS)

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that introduces static typing to the language. It allows developers to define explicit types for variables, function parameters, and return values, which helps catch errors during development and enhances code maintainability. TS code is typically written in files with the .ts extension.

Key Features of TypeScript

  • Static Typing: TypeScript enforces static typing, allowing developers to specify the types of variables, function parameters, and return values.
  • Type Inference: TypeScript's type inference system automatically infers the types of variables based on their initialization values.
  • ECMAScript Compatibility: TS supports all JavaScript features, making it easy to gradually introduce TypeScript into existing JavaScript projects.
  • Tooling and IDE Support: TypeScript offers excellent tooling and IDE support, including code editors like Visual Studio Code.

Applications of TypeScript

TypeScript is widely used in web development, especially in large-scale applications where codebases can become complex. It enhances productivity, reduces bugs, and improves collaboration within development teams. Additionally, TypeScript is popular in the Angular framework ecosystem, where it is the default language for building Angular applications.

TypeScript React (TSX)

TypeScript React, often referred to as TSX, is an extension of TypeScript specifically designed for building React applications. TSX combines the power of TypeScript's static typing with the declarative and component-based nature of React. TSX code is written in files with the .tsx extension.

Key Features of TypeScript React

  • JSX Support: TSX seamlessly integrates with JSX syntax, allowing developers to write expressive and type-safe React components.
  • Component Typing: TypeScript React provides a robust mechanism for typing React components, including props and state, ensuring type safety throughout the application.
  • Improved Code Maintenance: TSX assists developers in writing cleaner and more maintainable code by catching type-related errors early in the development process.
  • Rich Ecosystem: TypeScript React has a thriving community and extensive support within the React ecosystem, including popular libraries and frameworks.

Applications of TypeScript React

TSX is primarily used for building React applications. It offers enhanced type safety, improved developer experience, and better collaboration when working with large-scale React projects. TSX is particularly useful for teams that prioritize code reliability and scalability.

Choosing Between TypeScript and TypeScript React

The choice between TS and TSX largely depends on the development context and project requirements. TypeScript is suitable for general-purpose development, whereas TSX is tailored for React-specific projects. If you are working on a non-React JavaScript project or prefer a lighter approach to static typing, TypeScript may be the better choice. On the other hand, if you are building a React application, TSX can provide additional benefits such as JSX support and improved component typing.


TypeScript and TypeScript React are both powerful tools for enhancing JavaScript development. While TypeScript brings static typing to the JavaScript ecosystem, TypeScript React further extends TypeScript's capabilities to provide type safety and improved development experience specifically for React applications. Understanding the distinctions between TS and TSX enables developers to make informed decisions when choosing the appropriate language for their projects, based on requirements and desired outcomes.

Published: Apr 27, 2023
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